


About three weeks ago my friends living in Germany visited me. Wondering what could make our days in London fabulous, I encountered this thing from the Natural History Museum: After-School Club for Grown-ups & Silent Disco at the Natural History Museum. I must admit I had thought spending time at museums is far from having most fun. Thank God that I didn’t take the same approach this time and went for it. This event was actually my best night out, and I could also see highly satisfied faces of my friends. No matter when the next event pops up, you might as well browse now on how I enjoyed it to make most of yours. ๐Ÿ™‚ As the name described, we could choose one of the programmes or both. To nail that night we went for both: one from 7pm-10pm, and the silent disco from 10pm-1am. Now let me share with you how I…

Not until this monthย did I ever visitย Brighton, despite almost two years living in Londonย in totalย that is just about anย hour away. Perhaps I thought it would be so easy to just get a train down to the city from London that I actually put it aside over other trips that are harder to make. Now that I made a visit to Brighton, I feel a bit regretful for why I hadn’t been to this awesome place much earlier! Yes, so I went there again after two weeks from the first trip….I think I may be in love with Brighton. As a small note, some of the photos are from my friendย Or Asawawilaswong during myย firstย visit to Brighton with her a few weeks ago. As I was taking videos with GoPro,ย I asked for her permission to share her great photos with you on this post. Other photos are mine from another trip a…

The first travel destination in the UK I would like to share is Seven Sisters, located between Seaford and Eastbourne in East Sussex. Being the 3rd visit this time after ones in 2012 and 2014, I feel it is totally legit to share what I have seen. If you like having a walk with the nature, this is the place for you. The slopeย of the Downs is fairly gentle, so it will be a nice, relaxingย getaway duringย the weekend from London. Seven Sisters seemsย to become more and more beloved particularly byย Korean visitors, as I could see the increasingย number of Korean travellers during my biennial trips. There certainly are a fewย reasons for this popularity that I can think of, which you mightย agree as well: 1. The Comforting Colour Combination from the Nature Photo taken by Or Asawawilaswong Seven Sisters is part of the many chalk cliffs along the Channel. The bright…

Although Pokรฉmon GO has been launched in only a few countries, theย aspiration for it is boiling up across the world. Willย Pokรฉmon GO be able to fundamentallyย influence onย the tourism industry and restructure how to execute tourism marketing? (Pokรฉmon GO Website) Pokรฉmon GO is a smartphone game enabled byย the location-based service (LBS), where smartphone users become ‘Pokรฉmon trainers’. They seek outย Pokรฉmons shown on the app, catch them throwingย PokeBalls, and train them at gyms. Unlike computer games, sinceย Pokรฉmon GO requires users to actually explore the areas in their neighbourhood (or travel further!), some say ย Pokรฉmon GO has achieved what Fitbit has not managed completelyย (i.e. encouraging those who doย not exercise and/or like to be home to go out for walks and running). (Pokรฉmon GO Trailer) The augmented reality technology (AR), a technology that can overlap and present virtual features on the realityย whichย Pokรฉmon GO is based on,ย is not something that isย never heard of; it…

On 14th January 2016, VisitBritain launched globally a new multi-platform campaign for this year: GREAT Britain –ย ‘Home of Amazing Moments’. Itย basesย on the characteristics of social media – sharing, coolย posts going viral, and hashtags. As the name of the campaign explains,ย it is designed toย encourage visitors to the UK to post and share their unique experiencesย inย photos and videos on their social media, with a hashtag ‘#OMGB’, meaning ‘Oh My GREATย Britain’. The rationale behind it comes from aย survey thatย a lot of people on holiday use social media and anย effort to incorporate a variety ofย social platforms for VisitBritain’s marketing.ย The campaign also contains a purpose to increase the awareness of the natural landscape of the UK, since it is said to beย less likely thought of, compared to culture and historic heritage (see the first link below on Relevant Articles for full information). As of 9th February 7 p.m., there are 4,862 tweets for…

People love travelling, even when we just came back from aย holiday, we may end up dreamingย which countries and cities (and/or countrysides) we would like to visitย as soon as an opportunity comes up. Meanwhile in the business world, almost everything can be branded and categorised as a product or service: countries and cities are not exempt from this, just like we often say Paris is the ‘romantic’ city. Tourist Boards across the countries brand and promoteย their country and cities as attractively as they can in order to getย visitors’ attention. MasterCard Worldwide Insights publishes ‘Top 20 Global Destination Cities’ each year. It seems that over the recent three years, Bangkok and Londonย have been in a struggle for pole position: Bangkok beat London in 2013 (London had been the top city in 2012), becoming the first Asian city to achieve that; it was a smallย gap in the number of international overnight visitors -…