


The first travel destination in the UK I would like to share is Seven Sisters, located between Seaford and Eastbourne in East Sussex. Being the 3rd visit this time after ones in 2012 and 2014, I feel it is totally legit to share what I have seen. If you like having a walk with the nature, this is the place for you. The slope of the Downs is fairly gentle, so it will be a nice, relaxing getaway during the weekend from London. Seven Sisters seems to become more and more beloved particularly by Korean visitors, as I could see the increasing number of Korean travellers during my biennial trips. There certainly are a few reasons for this popularity that I can think of, which you might agree as well: 1. The Comforting Colour Combination from the Nature Photo taken by Or Asawawilaswong Seven Sisters is part of the many chalk cliffs along the Channel. The bright…